Center for Development of Humanistic Ecology and Culture
Center for Development
of Humanistic Ecology and Culture
Anthropological Charter

The priority of life

The task of protecting human life and the surrounding natural environment must be the absolute priority for global policy.

It is logically and morally imperative to combine the struggle to save endangered biological species together with the struggle to save peoples and cultures which are in danger of dying out. The effort to preserve the ecological balance in Nature must go hand in hand with the struggle to maintain the ethnocultural balance of human society. As a source of exchanges, innovation and creative work, cultural diversity is as necessary for humanity, as biodiversity is for Nature.*

The existence of nuclear weapons poses serious risks to humanity, but the call to outlaw nuclear weapon in favor of other kinds of armaments does not solve the problem of attaining a world without war. On the contrary, such an approach promotes an increase in violence, by "legalizing" the development of military technologies which can be used against specific countries and peoples. Particularly cynical, in this context, is the development of new types of weapons which target human beings while leaving the environment untouched.

The preconditions for a robust and stable world, given the present-day pace of scientific and technological progress, clearly do not lie in the prohibition of specific types of weapons, but rather in a change in the prevailing ways of thinking. Humanity must achieve a common understanding, that the use of violence for achieving political or economic goals is morally inadmissible.

* Article 1 of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, adopted by the United Nations General Conference on November 2, 2001.