The achievements of genetic engineering must contribute to the good of humanity, and not the opposite.
The human genetic pool embodies our tremendous potential for physical and intellectual development. Its gradual evolution in the course of time is a natural process, but rapid artificial changes in the genome can be dangerous not only for individual people, and even for humanity as a whole.
Alongside important new possibilities for treating illnesses, the artificial editing of the genome opens the door to creating human beings with predetermined properties. The same result might also be attained through the integration of artificially-produced technological elements into living organisms.
The presently dominant social model of „survival of the fittest„ can lead to the emergence of a society where certain individuals will be able to benefit from the above-mentioned achievements in terms of prolongation of life, healing of illnesses, for cloning themselves and even obtaining new, “super-human" qualities; while other people suffer from lack of medical care or will be „modified“ to make them suitable for a life of marginalization and new forms of slavery.
In this situation the most urgent task is to preserve the original archetype and unity of humanity. Methods of genetic engineering which stand in possible opposition to the principle of human dignity must be prohibited*. The capabilities of genetic engineering must be directed, first of all, to the treatment of illnesses and the negative effects of genetic mutations. These technologies must be equally accessible for all persons, independent of their social status. The mission of genetic engineering is the preservation, rather than the destruction, of human nature.
* United Nations Declaration on Human Cloning, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on March 8, 2005 (Resolution 59/280).