Center for Development of Humanistic Ecology and Culture
Center for Development
of Humanistic Ecology and Culture
Anthropological Charter

Striving for objective truth

Regardless of how information space may develop in the future, it must not be allowed to degenerate into a platform for the propagation of lies and mistrust.

Against the background of declarations about the inviolability of the right to free exchange of information, opinions and ideas, we witness a serious narrowing of the space for freedom and mutually respectful dialog in the Internet. The Internet becomes more and more an instrument for disguised commercial manipulation and PR campaigns, in which practically no mechanisms exist for the verification of information, and in many cases even the sources remain anonymous. This situation permits individuals to spread information and data on a gigantic scale without having to assume responsibility for truth or authenticity, including deliberately propagating certain opinions, views and theories while suppressing others.

In this context certain ideas, which are shared only by a minority of the population, are being imposed upon the majority of inhabitants of our planet, whose traditional values become marginalized and virtually excluded from the informational space. Such practices become especially dangerous they are used to incite social conflicts, to incite discord between nations and religious groups, and to undermine trust in family values and in public institutions.

Regardless of how the sphere of information may develop in the future, it must not be allowed to degenerate into a platform for the propagation of lies and mistrust. Just as honesty serves as a criterion of the personal morality of an individual, so also society must preserve honesty in the sphere of knowledge and information.